Safe Families MWV

Request Support

Request A Host Family

First off, you are not alone. We know parenting isn’t easy.

The hours are endless and praises are few. It’s a job that can leave you feeling isolated and alone. If you are experiencing a life crisis and have nowhere else to turn, Safe Families for Children can help.

A movement of compassion, Safe Families for Children is designed to connect you with caring, safe people who can wrap around your family similar to extended family. If you are experiencing a crisis where you are unable to care for your child(ren), you can voluntarily place your child(ren) with a Host Family and Family Coach to give you the time and tools you need to help your family thrive. Host Families can also support you with short-term, goal-centered childcare (daytime hours) so you can attend job interviews, court hearings, medical appointments, etc. Host Families cannot provide ongoing “daycare” type of needs.

You do not need to have a Host Family care for your child to receive support. Safe Families for Children can connect you with a caring individual or family in your neighborhood you can relationally connect with to build your community. Relational support is available outside of child hosting arrangements.

If you are looking to build your community relationally or need a safe and loving family to care for your children temporarily, simply fill out the confidential request form below and a Safe Families representative will contact you within 1-3 business days.

Guidelines for Safety

With Safe Families for Children (SFFC) you can be confident that:

  • Biological Parents maintain full custody.
  • Volunteer families are extensively screened and supported.
  • Host Families support by watching children overnight anywhere from a couple of days to several months as needed.
  • SFFC encourages open communication and relationships between the Host Family and parents whenever possible. 
  • SFFC is committed to reuniting your family as soon as possible.
  • Support is provided free of charge and volunteers are not compensated. 

Learn more about how Safe Families for Children works and see our referral guidelines.

Hear a Parent’s Experience

Get Help Today

Get in touch with us at the link below today. We’d love to talk!