Be a Safe Families Church
We’ve Been Called To Be The Hands And Feet Of Christ In Our Community.
Safe Families for Children offers area churches the unique blessing of mobilizing their members to step into a need right in their neighborhood. It is truly relational and transformational for everyone involved.
Churches of all sizes are necessary to provide for vulnerable children within our communities. We’d love to explore this relational volunteer opportunity with your church.
Give us a call at: (503) 580-4672.
Church Criteria
As a partner, we ask that all Safe Families churches:
Be a community of faith committed to reaching out to your community in an effort to prevent child abuse and tangibly express love to families experiencing crisis.
Select a staff member to serve as the SFFC volunteer liaison for your church.
Accept the child and her/his parents and be open to walk alongside them during this journey. Promote acceptance within the SFFC family and congregation.
Continue to promote SFFC and opportunities for families and individuals to be involved.
Notify SFFC Staff of any concerns related to a volunteer family’s ability to nurture, meet the health, safety and supervision needs of children within the Safe Families for Children program.